9 Tips for Writing an Effective "About" Page

November 4, 2019

An "About" page is a necessary element of any website and helps create a personality for the company by providing information about your company’s mission, team, and services. The About page tells the reader the ways in which you can help them, the resources you have, and promotes your accomplishments. 

While it’s often thought to be a simple step in creating your website, the About page is where many people often become stumped. To help you get past this, here are nine tips to help create an effective About page.


1. Don’t Make It All About You

Despite its name, the About page is, in fact, not all about you! While including credentials to ensure you are a credible source of information and trustworthy in business, you also need to take into consideration the needs of the reader. They are there to find out what use your company can be to them - answering this quickly can determine if they continue reading.


2. Make It Easy To Find

Cloudsent Annotation

image: https://cloudsent.com/

An About page should be easily accessible and visible in a navigation bar at the top of the site. From the homepage, it should take one click to get there.


3. Keep It Simple

Most people viewing the About page will skim until they find what they are looking for, so keep the page well organized and make important information stand out by adding bullets, bolded headers, photos, etc.

4. Addressing Questions

 Most readers will have questions when entering your site, while a FAQs page is a good place to leave answers, there are some questions that are best answered on the About Page.

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • What can you do for me?
  • When and where was the company founded?
  • How many employees are there?
  • What value does the business have to readers?

5. Utilize A Few Different Types Of Media

Consider posting a video on your About page to accompany the text. Many readers may prefer watching a video about your company vs. reading about it.  A video, or even pictures, bring more elements to the page that will help the information stand out.

Hubspot example

image: https://www.hubspot.com/our-story

Above is an example from the HubSpot About page. Here they utilized videos to explain their business and its history to readers.

6. Include A Professional Headshot Or Group Photo

 Another option for a different type of media could be a photo of yourself or a group photo. Adding a team or individual photo will help you appear more likable and trustworthy, increasing your reader’s likelihood of doing business with you!

7. Add A Call To Action And Contact Link

Spotify Example

Image: www.spotify.com

Give the reader a way to contact you for when they decide to do business with you or if they have any further questions left to answer.

The Spotify homepage above is a great example of a call to action. The text invites you to join a premium plan and in return, you get a google mine. The buttons on the bottom don’t offer an option to not get a premium plan, calling viewers to click on either button.

8. Include Experience/Credentials

 This section should be brief but in-depth enough to gain trust with readers and new clients. Describe projects you’ve worked on in the past, include examples if possible, and include reviews from past clients that had a good experience working with you.

9. Include A Contact Form

 While there may be a whole page dedicated to contact information, it’s a good idea to leave at least a link to a contact form on the About page.

Yeti Example

Image: https://www.yeti.com/en_US/contact-us.html

Yeti’s contact page (shown above) is a great example because it categorizes the areas where customers often have questions so they can look at those before they click the email button below that.

Overall, your About page needs to represent the business well, stay true to your brand, and show who the people behind it are. After someone reads an About page, they should know what getting in business with your company involves.

A well written About page is only one part of a great website, for some tips on improving your site check out our blog covering What Makes a Website Bad. For any questions or concerns feel free to contact us here!


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